Papers of Professor James Murdoch, fl. 1970s-2010s, law graduate and Professor of Public Law, University of Glasgow, Scotland 1973-1976


Papers of Professor James Murdoch, fl. 1970s-2010s, law graduate and Professor of Public Law, University of Glasgow, Scotland 1973-1976

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SNAC Resource ID: 6296585

Glasgow University Archive Service

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University of Glasgow (1451- : Glasgow, Scotland) (corporateBody)

These are Economic History lecture notes, possibly a lecturer's own notes. There are 6 notebooks within a slipcase. On the slipcase is written in pencil "Dr James Cunnison? Alec Macfie?" The identification of the author of these notes is not certain. There is one letter within volume 6 addressed to Dr Cunnison, but without a comparison of handwriting it has not possible to assign these notes to Dr Cunnison. References within the notes would indicate that they were written after 1924. ...

Murdoch, James (fl 1970s-2010s : law graduate : University of Glasgow, Scotland) (person)

Professor James "Jim" Murdoch is Professor of Public Law in the School of Law. Born in 1955 he studied at the University and graduated with an LLB in 1977. In his first year, he studied Constitutional Law and History, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure and Civil Law, gaining a Certificate of Merit in Constitutional Law and History and a Certificate of Distinction in Contracts. His second year studies included Accountancy, Company Law, Delict,History of Scots Law and Jurisprudence...